Increased Water Reliability
Most southern Utahns depend exclusively on a single river basin to supply water. If water quality or quantity problems arise within the Virgin River basin, it places local communities at great risk. Climate change will only elevate the risks associated with reliance on a sole source. The LPP brings a second water source that will help southern Utah weather the challenges of extended drought.
Drought Protection
Southern Utah has experienced 18 years of drought during the last two decades. The LPP will provide additional water supplies and storage to protect against future droughts.
Economic Vitality
Forbes ranks Utah as one of the best states for business. The availability of a reliable water supply is critical to sustaining the economy and supporting a diverse base of employers to southern Utah. The LPP is expected to support more than 133,000 jobs and 11,700 Utah businesses.
Water for Generations
We all benefit from the planning done by previous generations for the water we use today; future generations depend on us to plan wisely. The majority of future residents will be current residents’ children and grandchildren who choose to remain in the area to raise their families. These residents will require water for economic vitality, jobs and to sustain their quality of life
Preserves River Flows
Currently the state of Utah has the right to take its water from the Green River immediately below Flaming Gorge Dam. Under the LPP, the state proposes to take its water just above Glen Canyon Dam, ensuring that up to 83,756 acre feet of water will continue to flow more than 400 miles downstream through valuable riparian and fish habitat in the Colorado River system.